Thoughts from DA Kolb

There may be many reasons one attends and remains in the church. Perhaps, because:

  • Of family or friends
  • One has always been in this congregation
  • One serves in the church in some capacity
  • It is convenient
  • One feels at home there
  • There is a good message
  • One needs to have Holy Communion
  • One enjoys the fellowship of everyone, etc.

These may be good reasons, however, my response to this question has always been—I have found Jesus Christ here. I meet Him here in His divine word, in His communion, and in the fellowship of my brothers and sisters. Could I find Him elsewhere, in another church or faith? Perhaps, but I have never looked, much the same as I have never looked for another life’s partner. I am happily and contently married to the one I believe Christ designed for me. This is how I feel about our faith—the Lord put me here, I have found Him here, and I am content here, as we sing in a hymn: O love, thou virtue God effected, hath me and I have Thee selected. ("I Praise God's Love in Adoration," #376)

The clear perception and knowledge that Christ is present in my church and congregation is the greatest incentive for me to return again and again, to remain active, and to serve here. Without this knowledge, every other reason is naught.

It is our responsibility to create this perception by:

  • Sanctifying and preparing ourselves for the divine service experience
  • Highlighting the holiness and benefit of the Lord’s Supper
  • Promoting pastoral care from and for the ministers and members
  • Working to mediate and reconcile conflicts
  • Most of all by allowing the love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5) to radiate to each one.

May the Lord grant us the necessary gifts and strength for this blessed work that our brothers and sisters may always be reminded where Jesus is—Here in His brothers and in His sisters, yes, in His Church so near is He…there does He speak with you and me... ("O Where Is Jesus?", #297)