The THRIVE Youth small group discussions are designed for students in 8th to 12th grade. This is also the material that will prepare an individual to make their Confirmation vow and receive their confirmation blessing in either their 10th or 11th grade year. Because of this preparation, the curriculum is designed as a 3-year curriculum and is divided into 6 semesters that follow the academic rhythm of Fall and Spring semesters. Each semester has 12 discussion guides that are intended to be used weekly as the midweek experience for the youth. However, we know that not all situations and local circumstances are the same, so the exact day of the week and frequency is determined locally.

An overview course has been created to explain the structure of the curriculum and the facilitator guide. This is the first course of Phase 2 of the online training.

The "E Semester" discussion guides have been updated to include:

  • feature addtions or deletions based on feedback from facilitators
  • video and article links that have been published since the 2020 edition
  • clearer doctrinal understandings to ensure the most up-to-date information is included in the discussion guides

If your youth group is discussing the "E Semester" this semester, please ensure you are using the 2023 versions of the facilitator guides and student sheets.