"Thoughts from the Chief Apostle" excerpt from the Autumn/Winter 2014 VISION Newsletter

We have been working hard and we suffer, while others might not. The Lord says, “What’s your problem? I give you everything, what more do you want? Are you good to the other one?” The idea behind that is that in some way we think we deserve salvation and the reward of eternal life because we are New Apostolic, we are faithful and we serve God. The whole image of the story that Christ told is that you cannot deserve it. It’s just grace. What was important is not what you did during these hours of working and suffering, but rather I called you and you came and did what I asked. That’s why you are saved. The last one I called 1 hour before. He heard my call, he answered, and he worked. He did what I asked him to do. That is why he’s saved, because of his obedience. But who is called when, that is the decision of God. We cannot interfere. That’s why what is important is the love we show our brothers and sisters.

The Bride of Christ will love Christ and love their neighbor. If you love Christ and you love your neighbor, our reward or “salary” is Christ. And if I have Christ, I have everything. He comes to me and says, “Okay, because you were faithful and you answered my call, I will share everything with you.” If he decides for any reason that one person or another will come with Him, will I be angry? I have everything, why do I want more? He shares with everybody and even if the other one has the same thing as me, I never have more or less. That is God. We cannot understand that. We think in terms of heritage. “Oh, there’s 1 million. If I am alone I have 1 million. If there are 10, I have only 100,000.” But God is God and He can give everyone all. That’s why worship is important. Just remember who He is. We cannot understand Him. We can just love Him.