Introduction Letter in the Summer 2016 VISION Newsletter

Thoughts from District Apostle Kolb:

Oft times, the apostles, bishops, and I struggle with difficult decisions. As the Chief Apostle described in a Community article last year, we start with prayer asking for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we propose options using our mind and reasoning, we research for more information if needful, and then we discuss the matters at length. If necessary, there is further prayer, research, and discussion, and thereafter, we make a decision. Depending on the weight of the matter, the Chief Apostle may also be consulted for his thoughts; for instance, in the case of the midweek experience and faith arc, as you will read about in this edition of the Vision. However, he expects that in most matters, the decisions must be made at a district level so they are appropriate for the region.

We realize sometimes these decisions may not be popular and sometimes they may even cause changes or adjustments in the status quo. Please know that in all these cases, the conclusion was wrought with prayer and struggle, always with intent to discover the will of our Heavenly Father. We trust that He alone resolves any issue in the best way possible and according to His blessing, which in turn brings us closer to Him.

We read in Malachi 3:6 (KJV), “I am the Lord, I change not.” As we continue forward to the Day of Promise, we remain anchored to Jesus Christ and continue to walk in the Spirit. He is manifested in the unchangeable Gospel and in the wonders of His sacraments

On the other hand, the Church, as we understand from our Catechism (6.3, 6.4.2), is composed of sinful humans, which continue to evolve and grow into what Christ expects of them. Hence, this evolution brings adjustment and change to develop to become the bride of Christ. Therefore, let us not grow weary of these course corrections and modifications – they bring us closer to our goal!