"Spreading enthusiasm for Jesus Christ" - Editorial Letter from Community 2018 Edition 3

The gospel is the record of God’s salvific deeds revealed in the birth of Jesus, His death on the cross, His resurrection, and His return. Faith in Jesus Christ and the rebirth out of water and Spirit are the path that leads to eternal fellowship with God. This is the gospel, the good news.

Let us share this gospel with our children and our neighbor. Indeed, as Christians we have been called and chosen to spread the fire of the gospel. This is only possible, however, if we are burning for Jesus Christ. This fire must jump from one heart to the other, otherwise it will not work. What can we do concretely?

Let us show more interest in the gospel ourselves. It will make God’s love for us, for mankind, more understandable and even greater.

Let us speak with our children and our neighbor about the gospel. This way they will discover God, our experiences with Him, and our great future.

Let us pray with our children and our neighbor. In prayer, we experience the presence of God. God hears and God answers.

This sometimes requires a little time, some willpower and self-discipline, and effort. Please, help along in spreading this fire. Take the time to pass this fire on to our children, to our neighbor.

God’s love for mankind is so exciting and inspiring! Let us inspire our children and our neighbor with God’s love!