"We are rich in Christ" - transcript of the Chief Apostle's New Year's video message

Dear brothers and sisters,

Welcome to the new year. It is my wish that we begin with the firm conviction expressed in the Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Despite our worries, struggles, and fears, we can confidently declare that God is immensely rich: rich in kindness, rich in patience, and rich in grace.

And God wants us to benefit from His wealth. We can share in this wealth – namely through Jesus Christ.

Dear brothers and sisters, for 2019, I propose that we focus on the following objective: let us be rich in Christ! Let us therefore caption this year with the motto: Rich in Christ!

What does this wealth consist of? How can we acquire it? Over the next few weeks and months, we will occupy ourselves with these questions. I am very curious to learn what ideas the Holy Spirit will awake in each one of us and in the congregations.

Beyond that, there is another element, which is of special significance for us: we can share our wealth in Christ with others without becoming poorer ourselves as a result. Let us share the wealth in Christ with our fellow human beings. This is not only a possibility or a need for us. In fact, it is our very purpose.

I wish you all a richly blessed year 2019!