"On the universality of the church and the gospel" from Community 2019 Edition 1

The church, a universal witness

Not only is it our responsibility to proclaim the gospel comprehensively to all people, but we must also see to it that our testimony can be accepted by all. Once again it is in Jesus Christ that we find our example. “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth” (John 18: 37). And His testimony had effect because His works bore witness of Him (John 10: 25).

We can only be universal witnesses of the gospel if we are credible, that is, if we show ourselves worthy of the message we proclaim. In accordance with the example of Jesus, we should be

  • confident. Our faith gives us firm confidence in that which we hope (Hebrews 11: 1), and this confidence must be perceived by those around us.
  • determined to overcome evil. The testimony of a complacent Christian is not credible.
  • humble. Jesus did exactly what the Father required of Him. We are in the service of Jesus. Let us content ourselves by doing that which He expects of us. It is not for sinners to discipline other sinners (John 8: 7). On the contrary, Jesus forbids us to judge our neighbour (Matthew 7: 1).
  • unbound. The less we are bound by material things or our own honour, the easier it will be for us to forgive others who cause us harm.
  • filled with love for God and our neighbour. Because we love Jesus, we are prepared to suffer for Him and with Him. Let us love our neighbour in deed and in truth (1 John 3: 18).