District Apostle Kolb's introduction letter from the Winter 2020 Vision Newsletter

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three…

1 Corinthians 13:13

These three main aspects of a Christian’s life are well known to us.

Faith is a gift from God given in order that we may perceive the unseen things made and offered by Him for our salvation. Endowed with His Spirit, we understand more and more of His will and plan for us and, if we embrace it, we grow in faithfulness, the fruit of the Spirit. With faith, we see the purpose to which we were called, and we have the strength to strive to fulfill it and endure until the end. As Jesus said on a number of occasions – Your faith has made you well…

Let’s not lose our faith!

Hope is not simply a baseless, dreamlike, misty apparition of what we wish for the future. Hope is our firm conviction founded on the faithfulness of the almighty God and the unbounded love of Jesus Christ. It is built upon the decisive experiences of faith that we have lived through in our life when we came to know: Truly the Lord is with me! In this hope, the Holy Spirit shines a light onto the path before us, inspires our joy, and gives us a confident assurance into the future that, with our God, all will be well.

Let’s not lose our hope!

Love originates from our eternal Father for God is love. It is without bound and is for all people whom God created. This love has been enlivened in us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we respond to it, it becomes the binding agent between us and our Father and between each other. Living in His love brings us peace, contentment, and security. His love becomes the catalyst for our thanksgiving and our profession to all of His salvation for all.

Let’s not lose our love!

Twelve years ago, Chief Apostle Leber conducted a divine service in New York from the verse in 1 John 5:18 - …but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. Dear ones, as we step into a new year, let us keep ourselves in faith, hope, and love, as we draw nearer to our completion.