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Youth Take 5


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The youth who decide to pursue Confirmation will begin a preparation process called “Road to Confirmation.” This process includes the youth completing self-paced online courses to emphasize core competencies, as well as engaging in checkpoint conversations with the rector, youth leader, and parent in the months leading up to Confirmation Sunday. The purpose of the “Road to Confirmation” process is to ensure a youth is well equipped and prepared to make their Confirmation vow.

Step 1: The initial conversation

  • Download the  pdf Road to Confirmation - Initial Conversation Guide (146 KB) for information on what to do before, during, and after the initial conversation.
  • Whether a youth has the intent to pursue Confirmation or not, the conversation must be documented using the “Road to Confirmation” form within NACStat. For the 2024 Confirmations, the conversation should take place and be documented no later than December 31, 2023.
    • In order to complete the Road to Confirmation form in NACStat (ref. A), the rectors or NACStat delegates will need to ensure that the youth eligible for confirmation has an updated NACStat profile (accurate and unique email address, and Web Login is enabled) AND that they are added to the congregation’s “Youth” committee in NACStat. If the youth does not have an email address associated with their profile, nor are they added to the “Youth” committee for the congregation, they will not show up in the dropdown menu (ref. B) of the Road to Confirmation form.
      • Updates should be done annually in NACStat for every student who transitions in to and out of Sunday School (K-5th), Religious Instruction (6th-7th), and Youth (8th-12th). Profiles can be updated using the “Edit Individual” button (ref. C) and students can be added to the “Youth” committee using the “Committee Management” button (ref. D).

RtC NACstat screenshot

  • After the conversation is documented using the "Road to Confirmation" form in NACStat, an email is sent to the student, parent(s), rector, and youth leaders of their congregation to notify them that the student is, or is not, pursuing Confirmation for the upcoming spring. This email will also have important next steps and links.
  • The email is generated using the names, email addresses, and relationships (parent/guardian, rector, youth leader) that are setup in NACStat.
    • If the youth leader is not a member of the "Youth Leader" committee for that congregation, they will not receive any of this information.
    • If, after the "Road to Confirmation" form has been completed, the student, parent(s), rector, and youth leaders do not receive an email indicating that the initial conversation took place, they should check their "spam" folder and/or ensure the correct email address is associated with their profile in NACStat.


Step 2:  The access to the material

  • The rector or youth leader should provide a copy of the “Road to Confirmation Checkpoint Conversation guides”  to those youth pursuing Confirmation and to their parents/guardians. If not provide the actual Checkpoint Conversation guides, the rector or youth leader should ensure the students and parents/guardians know where to find the Road to Confirmation information on NDI.
  • All of the Checkpoint Conversation guides and online courses are available HERE and do not require a login.


Step 3: The Checkpoint Conversations

  • Parents/guardians, rectors, and youth leaders are expected to engage in strategic “Checkpoint Conversations” as youth complete their coursework in the months leading to their Confirmation day. Who conducts the “Checkpoint Conversations,” a schedule of when each conversation should happen in the sequence, as well as questions to discuss, are provided on the “Road to Confirmation Checkpoint Conversation guides” available on NDI.


Step 4: The Final Conversation

  • After the “Road to Confirmation” online courses are completed, all of the “Checkpoint Conversations” have taken place, and shortly before the student’s Confirmation day, a final conversation will take place. This ideally would be with the ordained minister that will conduct the Confirmation service. The student can decide to invite any combination of parents/guardians, rector, and/or youth leader to this final conversation. This will be a conversation to ensure the youth has an understanding of the Christian faith, the New Apostolic Church doctrine, and is ready to make their Confirmation vow and receive their Confirmation blessing.


Step 5: Scheduling the Confirmation Sunday

  • Once Confirmation Sunday has been scheduled, please complete this form so that the Confirmation certificate, gift, and Chief Apostle letter can be sent to the rector or delegate. 



Click a link below to access:

Road to Confirmation - Process Overview

Road to Confirmation - Initial Conversation Guide

Road to Confirmation - Online Courses

Road to Confirmation - Checkpoint Conversations