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IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have changed the login process to use our membership system which is called iMIS. Your old login information to the NDI website most likely will no longer work. Click the link below to download instructions to guide you through the process to get your account setup.

Instructions to log into NDI

Youth Take 5


CLICK HERE to be taken to the online courses.


The courses are designed to be taken in the order below. The courses do not have to be completed all at once, the student may start/stop as needed. However, all courses must be completed for a student to be Confirmed.

Course Topic Estimated completion time Notes
Confirmation 15-20 minutes This course should be taken with a parent or guardian
The Basics 20-25 minutes  
      pdf Checkpoint Conversation 1 with parent(s)/guardian(s) (808 KB)
The gospel 20 -25 minutes This course can be taken with a youth leader
Articles of Faith 25-30 minutes  
      pdf Checkpoint Conversation 2 with youth leader (800 KB)
The Apostolate 20-25 minutes  
Service for the departed 15-20 minutes  
      pdf Checkpoint Conversation 3 with rector, or other ordained minister (794 KB)
    Final Conversation with student and some combination of support team (rector, youth leader, parent(s)/guardian(s))


CLICK HERE to be taken to the online courses.


Click a link below to access:

Road to Confirmation - Process Overview

Road to Confirmation - Initial Conversation Guide

Road to Confirmation - Online Courses

Road to Confirmation - Checkpoint Conversations