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 Thoughts from DA Schnabel | "Forward Together" from the 2023 Winter Vision Newsletter

In the 2023 Synod, the District Apostle introduced a new word – “sent-ness” – we are sent, and have a quality of sent-ness. God so loved the world that He has sent us into the world so that people might experience His love and glimpses of His kingdom already now. For us, this means that God is with us and working through us, when we’re in His house on a Sunday, or when we are at work or school during the week; as we care for our families; as we work in our communities – we are chosen and sent by Him (1 Peter 2:9). And God equips us! We come to church, to the community of faith, to learn His will, to be strengthen by Him, only to be sent out to share that message with others. He has given us capabilities, spiritual gifts, life experiences so that we can serve others. “He gives you a message, He gives you a purpose, He gives you a garden to tend. You are sent… [and] you are sent for where you are.”