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Eventually, we have to realize that we are all the church, all the time. And that we are not large enough to have specialized groups for every situation of life. But what we can do, is understand that as a congregation we must remain and serve together. Individually and as a congregation, we must continually learn, not only because of our culture and society, but more importantly, because God expects this of us.  We need to find new ways to interact, more than just the divine service and a few minutes before and after.

It is important to know that the goal of our faith remains the same. We strive to prepare for and experience the return of Christ. We seek to know our Savior more intimately, to feel our Father’s power more majestically, and to rely on the Holy Spirit more intensively. This time period, like all that have preceded it, has unique challenges which cause concern. There are limitless demands on limited resources. But, challenging times require bold and decisive people that will rise to the challenge. Some of these things will take time and patience. We must have a sense of urgency because we have to adapt and grow, but growth takes time, strength, and endurance. As we take these next steps together, everyone is encouraged to not only have understanding or acceptance for each other, but also foster a love in the manner of Christ.