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Part of our Church’s mission is to care for our children and youth and to protect them. To this end, the New Apostolic Church USA (NAC USA) requires all volunteers working with minors to complete THREE SAFETY PROTOCOLS before volunteering begins. To ensure the safety and well-being of both our members who serve and the children and youth they mentor, it is imperative to have safety measures in place.  In doing so, our church follows and upholds standard operating procedures utilized by many organizations dealing with children and youth.  Thus, in the document below, we outline the annual process for completing mandatory safety protocols for volunteers who work with children and youth regularly (more than 2 times a year).   Many aspects of these protocols are provided and managed by the church’s safety partner, Protect My Ministry. The safety and well-being of our children and youth are our priority. We require all volunteers working with minors to complete three safety protocols before volunteering begins. By following established standards and partnering with Protect My Ministry, we ensure a secure and nurturing environment for all. 


pdf Safety Protocols  (370 KB)