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"God creates new things" Editorial Letter from the 2022 Community Edition 4

The Lord creates new things. He also creates new knowledge through the Holy Spirit, and He leads us into the perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Yes, I know that one or the other has trouble with these new insights. For years you believed certain things, it was preached for years, and now everything is different and new.

What is more important now? What you believed, said, preached, or heard for years? Or what comes from the Holy Spirit and brings us closer to Jesus Christ?

Dear brothers and sisters, let us not categorically cling to things only because we heard and believed them for years. The question here is not whether it was right or wrong.

The only question we need to ask ourselves is: does this new thought bring me closer to Jesus Christ? Does it correspond even better to the mind of Jesus Christ?

If it brings me closer to the Lord, then I will walk this path and accept this new knowledge. If it does not correspond to the will of God, then I do not want this new thought.

However, if this new knowledge comes from the Holy Spirit it will lead me closer to salvation and blessing, and will bring me even closer to the mind of Jesus Christ. Let us accept it. Brother, sister, allow yourself to be guided.