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 "Serving and Reigning with Christ" Part 2 of 2 from the 2023 Beginning-of-the-Year Message from CA Schneider

Serving: How can we do this today? On the one hand, by leaving our day-to-day lives behind to come to church. This is where we worship God and praise and glorify Him in the fellowship of believers. On the other hand, we do so by putting the gospel of Christ into practice in our daily lives. Our service to others is to love them as Jesus loves them.

We have also been called to rule today. This does not mean that we try to somehow exercise power over our neighbor. Certainly not! Rather, the point is to rule over our own thoughts and actions.

We can master this with Christ, with His help, and by following His example. Here are some examples:

  • His love does not divide, but unites.
  • His grace picks us up when we fall.
  • His wisdom helps us to learn from our mistakes.

The best way to remain in control of our own destiny is to let Christ reign in our hearts. May this idea guide us—particularly throughout this year.

These are just some initial thoughts on our annual motto. But the year is still young. And if the Lord does not come first, we will still have the opportunity to experience many more divine services. I look forward to discovering the additional aspects that the Holy Spirit will reveal to us.