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Thoughts from CA Schneider

This French word is often used in the USA at construction sites, but it is also found in the Bible in some languages and in English as “around by way” or “roundabout way.” In Exodus 13:17-22, we read that after leaving Egypt, God told Moses not to take a more direct route, but rather a detour through the wilderness—a much longer, more difficult way. God explains that the direct route would have brought them to their enemies which they were not ready to fight, and that they would have become discouraged. Thus, the longer, more difficult way was actually for their benefit.

We can see that God has at times led our brothers and sisters on very difficult ways. We could ask: “Why? It would be much easier and comfortable to go a different, perhaps more direct way!” Yet, we must trust that God wants to protect them from circumstances or temptations which they may not have been able to overcome, or battles they may not have been able to win. God does not always explain everything, and even though the detour or other way seems strange and unexpected, He designed it for their protection and preservation. Let us trust Him and remember—He loves us!