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Thoughts from DA Kolb

…pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16).

Sometimes we may pray and not receive an answer from our Father. One may think, “I need to ask others to also pray for this concern.” I have heard of prayer lists and, perhaps, one believes that the more people that pray, the more the Lord will listen and harken to our wishes. Truly, as James states above, it is well that we pray for one another, as this clearly demonstrates that we carry the love of Christ is our hearts for each other, and also pleases our heavenly Father.

However, we must not believe that in some way—perhaps with a multitude of prayers—we can “leverage” God to comply with our will. We must not forget—He is the Almighty! He knows all and sees all and moves in manners we cannot perceive. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord (Isaiah 55:8).

In the above verse, it clearly states that the prayer of one who is righteous is both fervent and effective. Let us consider Jesus Christ as our example. His righteousness is clearly evident by His trust in His Father and His steadfast resolve to carry out the mission given to Him, as expressed in His prayer in Matthew 26:39: “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Thus, the righteousness that James describes is the knowledge and belief that God’s will is the best and only solution to any concern. This must always be the basis and foundation of every plea and supplication—purely relying on His grace.

When one truly believes in Jesus Christ and is determined to remain steadfast in faith, i.e., renouncing evil and following Christ, his fervent prayer becomes effective, whether he prays for himself or for others. What does it mean that a prayer is effective? God listens to it and responds as He sees fit! Sometimes His response may be no apparent answer, as was the case with Paul, where he then realized himself that God’s grace was sufficient for him (2 Corinthians 12:8-9).

This assurance, that the Almighty God, our Father, has heard our prayer, avails much—in strength to endure, in hope for His grace, and in peace, a serene composure through the difficulties of life and the struggles in our soul.

Together in Christ, let us continue to fervently and effectively pray for one another, knowing that it delights our Father when we are unified in our support of one another. And then, let us humbly experience everything He avails, according to His boundless providence and benevolent will.