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Excerpt of Chapter 1 from the Together Small Group booklet

Let us make man in Our own image. Everything comes from Him. And He set them all on earth at one time or another. And He made them equal. It says that in Scripture, men and women are equal. All people are equal – they are meant to complement one another. He has a desire that all of them belong with Him and He is with them. We can read in Corinthians: there are a diversity of activities but it is the same God who works all in all. All in all. That is what the Lord wants to do. And He creates such diversity! He is a wonderful Creator. 40,000 species of spiders. Look at the flowers! So much diversity, and He did the same with people. All of us are different from one another – billions of people and we can all still be separated by our fingerprints. 15 It’s astounding. Each one unique, and yet, each one from one Source, one Author – the triune God.

Then we consider sin came into this world with the fall of Adam and Eve. Sin created three big divisions: between God and humans, between people with each other, and between humans and the creation. I’d like to focus on the second one – the stress between people. God made all people diverse and yet by sin we are the ones who created race, ethnicities, nationalities. We decided to see each other differently and to group people. That has caused a great trouble, when we have put everyone into different groups because the next thing that comes along is judging. Mankind thinks they can judge one another. It’s impossible – because we know nothing of one another; everything in life, what God intended for each one. We know nothing and we try to be the judge. We are blind.

It’s a blindness that we ignore the suffering and the need of other people. Sometimes it becomes even a bother. Perhaps we think, I don’t want to hear about it. It’s disturbing to see it on the news, there’s nothing I can do about it anyways. Just like those that passed by the one that was robbed on the side of the road. It is true – we cannot fix all the misfortune of this world, nor can we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by it. But it must affect us and we must do something about it. And this is when the Holy Spirit tries to come to us and relieve us of this blindness. He reminds us what Jesus Christ said, Love one another as I have loved you. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. And little by little He talks to us in our heart to prompt an action, step by step, person by person, deed by deed, to help. And that takes us back to our mission - that is how everyone shall experience the love of God.

(LRK, July 2020)