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Intro Letter from the 2021 Autumn Vision Newsletter

Dear brothers and sisters,

As we near the end of this year, I again refer to our recent theme, let us continue to walk in the newness of life. One aspect of this newness is to live in the awareness of our almighty Father’s greatness.

Recently the Chief Apostle asked that we contemplate God’s greatness:

  • His creation is unfathomable - new facets are constantly being discovered
  • God is omnipresent and omniscient - He knows the thoughts of every person at every moment, and shares in our joys and sorrows
  • God is perfect - His work never needs to be corrected or revised
  • His love for all people is limitless - He created us from nothing and gave us everything. Made in His image, He entrusted us with the earth. Because of the fall into sin, God gave Himself in Christ to save us.
  • God makes new – He does not just want to repair what has been destroyed, He wants to make us a new being to live in a new world. What a great design, what a great expression of love!
  • God does great things for each of us - what we have, we owe to His grace. Constantly, He protects us in miraculous ways and takes care of even the smallest details of our lives…

Imagine – the all-powerful Creator of the earth, the universe, and of every living thing is working to care and save us! God is working! What then can we say to this? How shall we react? We are thankful!

Walking in the newness of life means being increasingly aware of the love and greatness of our eternal Father and therefore we should also work and live in a state of thankfulness to Him. This understanding impacts our daily life so that we always have a reason to thank God, we always will trust Him because He knows better than we do, and we always will have faith in His love, even if we do not understand His activity.

With such feelings, let us follow the example of our great Father and also actively work towards our salvation by sharing His goodness in our lives with those around us and speaking the gospel message with joy and passion.

Joined with you in love,

LR Kolb