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"Perspectives on self-responsibility: Keep yourself 1 John 5:18" from the Spring 2009

1.  Keep yourself pure in heart

How do you know if your heart is pure?  Here is a question you may consider asking yourself.  Q: When our Heavenly Father looks into your heart and thoughts, do you try to hide those thoughts?  A: If you feel your thoughts would not be pleasing, that's a sign that your heart is not completely pure.

2.  Keep yourself humble

In Revelation 1:17, Apostle John saw the Lord Jesus and "fell down as dead."  An indication of God's nearness in your life is represented when you fall down and realize that you are nothing and God is so great.  Humbleness is also indicated through your behavior towards your brother and sisters.  Continue to possess the power to ask for forgiveness and admit your mistakes.

3.  Keep yourself joyful

To be a child of God is wonderful; it is a treasure, more than anything else in life.  There are times when you rejoice and other times when you may be depressed living through situations of life where joy seems absent.  Then strive for this joy and remind eachother of this!

4.  Keep yourself watchful

There are many opinions today and circumstances that could influence you in your life of faith.  Always be aware of the different spirits, and do not let them enter your heart.  Continue to pray!  Jesus said, "Watch and pray."  This makes you strong and gives you the possibility to be watchful until the end.