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"Perspectives on self-responsibility: Keep yourself 1 John 5:18" from the Spring 2009

5.  Keep yourself active.

From a child to a senior member, everyone can be an active participant in the family of God.  For example, giving testimony is a life long task.  Also, ask the Lord to show you how to put your talents to use in the congregation and continue serving Him even when difficulties arise or situations come about that you do not like.

6.  Keep yourself waiting for the day of the Lord.

You might have the feeling that Jesus has put off His coming for too long.  It's not your task to think about when He will come; your task is to be worthy and to prepare for Him every day.  Don't allow yourself to become impatient or think it may be another 20, 40, 50 years.  The wise servant waits for the Lord every day.

7.  Keep yourself empathetic.

When you keep yourself in fellowship, you grow in understanding of one another.  To go even deeper than understanding, empathize with one another.  This isn't sympathizing where you feel sorry for one another.  Empathizing is when you put someone else's shoses on, step into his life, and begin to see the world and the conditions he is living in just the way he sees it.

8.  Keep yourself renewed.

Continue to search for your talent and renew your gifts of grace that have been given to you by God.  Not that you feel you have to do all the work, but that you remain inwardly tied in, inwardly connected in your prayer life, and concerned for each other.

9.  Keep yourself servant minded.

"For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people..."  The Message paraphrase is even clearer: "Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily become a servant to any and all in order to reach a wide range of people..."  In your daily activities, you may feel at times "free from all men;" that is to say independent, perhaps even a little "aloof," from those who sometimes plague you with requests and questions in your life.  However, a measure of "servant mindedness" and responsibility is necessary in order to accomplish greater things and to do a more far-reaching work.