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Part 1 of 3 of "Culture Shift" from the Spring 2015 VISION Newsletter

One of our fundamental objectives while on the journey toward healthier congregations is to create a culture of living and leading like Jesus Christ. This idea of congregational cultural change has been difficult to define and I would like to provide some additional clarity. Firstly, the use of the word itself may seem unusual. What do we mean by "culture" and why are we using it within a spiritual context? Here is an interesting definition:

A culture is a way of life of a group of people - the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

From this definition we can see that for something to become part of a group’s culture, it must be understood and embraced by all the members of the group. It must be at their very core; it creates a common platform for communicating and making life decisions. It shapes their language, their way of seeing the world, their hopes and dreams and their way of doing things. Culture is not casual or superficial knowledge, but deeply felt.

What should be at the core of our New Apostolic culture? We believe we are part of His church. The Gospel of Christ is the common theme of both our New Apostolic Mission and Vision statements. Theoretically, how could our culture be based upon anything other than Jesus Christ and His Gospel?

But theory is not always reality. Take a moment to think of your own experience; your life, your family, and your congregation.

  • Can you and I honestly say that the Gospel of Jesus is so deeply understood and embraced that it has become our way of life?
  • Does it shape our attitudes and form the basis for our decisions, actions, speech, and relationships?
  • Has it become so instinctual that we react out of the Gospel without having to think about it?
  • Is it so fundamental and enduring that we can pass it from one generation to the next despite an ever changing “pop culture”?
  • Where God has called us to congregational leadership roles, do we lead others as a servant like Jesus did?