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From the Spring 2015 VISION Newsletter

Our Chief Apostle recently mentioned that we should search for wisdom in order to perceive the things that actually create lasting joy. Sometimes it may be worthwhile to first become aware of things that do not bring joy, simply so that we do not pursue them. Wisdom causes us to understand that satisfied wishes don’t necessarily bring us joy and that we cannot buy it. If we become selfish instead of selfless, how can we truly find joy? Further, we recognize that we cannot really be joyful if our neighbor is unhappy, when our focus is on our “our own,” and when we don’t care about others outside our fellowship or even the next generation.

Wisdom shows us the right things to pursue, things aligned with our Heavenly Father’s will which truly bring lasting joy. We realize a lot has to do with our relationships with Him and also with one another. We read of this in Acts 2:42-47. Here we see vital, vibrant congregations, brimming with bliss and excitement in the knowledge that Christ died and resurrected for them. They joyfully shared in deeper fellowship celebrating the fact that He made the treasures of heaven available to all. May this be a good template for us to follow in our pursuit of joy.