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Part 1 of 5 from "Stewardship" in the Autumn 2015 VISION Newsletter

Stewardship begins with the knowledge that God has called us to follow a unique path of service and love to Him and to others, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is His purpose for our lives. He has given us many gifts to equip us on our paths; in fact, all that we have are His gifts to us:

  • The gift of our physical existence; our lives and health
  • Our time; a lifetime of opportunity
  • The grace of Jesus
  • The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives; the gift of Divine Childhood in God
  • Our unique spiritual giftedness which can be identified through Work of Ministry
  • Our relationships with our parents, spouse, children; family and friends
  • Our wealth or material possessions

These things really belong to Him, not to us. He has given them to us to glorify Him and to serve His purpose. A steward is someone who manages the possessions of another with the highest level of trust.