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Part 4 of 5 from "Stewardship" in the Autumn 2015 VISION Newsletter

In the pursuit of Biblical stewardship, we need to be wary of materialism. This is a powerful negative force that takes us in the opposite direction of stewardship. Here, the individual spends their God-given giftedness in the pursuit of things that moth and rust destroys. [Matthew 6:20] Further, this individual says: “I am what I own. I define my life’s purpose, even my self-worth, by my possessions.” This path can be quite destructive. We are inundated with messages that reinforce the myth that material possessions bring respect, acceptance, and purpose to our lives. When taken to the extreme, this path leads away from a true Christian life of peace and love towards God and each other. There are startling statistics that indicate just how indebted our society has become in the pursuit of materialism and the effects this has on spiritual, emotional, and even physical health.