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Part 5 of 5 from "Stewardship" in the Autumn 2015 VISION Newsletter

It is quite interesting to recognize just how focused Jesus Christ was on the subject of money. It would be much easier for us to avoid the subject of money completely; it is an uncomfortable topic. However, Jesus dedicated a significant number of His teaching parables to the subject of our relationship with money, so we must conclude that it is an important part of our decision to walk as disciples with Him.

Perhaps we find ourselves in the dilemma of the servant who buried his talent. Perhaps he didn’t know how to manage the gift that he received. Likewise, perhaps some of our members have a heart to help others and to support the cause of Christ, but are prevented by a lack of financial skills. Take just a moment to consider the parable of the Good Samaritan. How would the story be different if he had a heart filled with compassion, but no funds? He had both the heart to help and the ability to give.

Stewardship, in the form of healthy financial habits, is a common problem for many folks today. If you or someone you love could use some help in this area, you are not alone. There are resources available that approach this subject from a Christian perspective. In the hopes of helping each member be a better steward over God’s gifts and to live a more peaceful, balanced, and fulfilled Christian life, the church will provide access to these resources in the coming months and will announce their arrival as they come on line.