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Part 2 of 4 "Forgiveness of sins" in the Autumn 2015 VISION Newsletter

In the international District Apostle Meeting in March of this year, Chief Apostle Schneider shared some thoughts concerning the forgiveness of sins and the importance it has in our spiritual lives. Here is the second main part of his teaching.

2. Forgiveness of sins advances our spiritual well-being

The absolution not only erases our sins, it also assures us of the peace of Christ when we hear the words at the end of the absolution, “The peace of the Risen One abide with you.” Hence, we are reminded of three truths that are indispensable to our spiritual well-being:

  1. The forgiveness of sins confirms God’s constant love for us. He does not reject us for our sins and therefore, forgives us.
  2. We experience the victory of Christ over evil. Our sins are able to be forgiven because of Christ’s sacrifice. Chief Apostle Schneider said, “The evil one can still make us fall, but he cannot separate us from the love of God.”
  3. With forgiveness of sins, our guilt is voided. Without the burden of our guilt, God allows us to have a fresh start.