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Part 3 of 7 "7 Words from the cross" in the Spring 2016 VISION Newsletter

John 19:26–27 - Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother.

A victory of love over the needs of self.

In the midst of His suffering, He cares for the needs of others. Also, we see a victory of love over fear on the part of the few who follow Him to the cross.

  • It is revealing to see who is with Him at this moment: John, “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” and a group of very brave woman, all who loved Him enough to follow Him to the end and witness His suffering despite their fears for their own safety.
  • Mary, His mother, is a widow and now faces an anxious future all alone. Jesus acknowledges her need and the need of the church (in the person of Apostle John) to care for her and love her as a devoted son. He entrusts her to the church, thus pointing out an important future pastoral role of the church.
  • In this way He teaches us the responsibility to care for one another even when we ourselves are suffering.