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Introduction 1 of 1 Introduction to the Spring 2016 VISION Newsletter

In one of our old hymns, we used to sing – “Did you think to pray?” If we understand prayer as breathing of the soul, would we ask – “Did you think to breathe?” It is essential for life! We learn this concept from Jesus when we see in the scriptures the regularity and the intensity of His prayer life. He was both true God and true man, yet His communication, through prayer with His Father, was paramount to Him. A number of times it is said of Jesus that “He went to pray”. Could this also be said of me…that I went to pray? Or have I relegated my prayer life to one in the morning when I awake, one before each meal, and a few final thoughts before I sleep? In todays’ world, how could I follow Jesus’ ways and “go to pray”?

It seems with our increasing technology and media that we are inundated with and sometimes addicted to sounds, pictures, videos, and words, as well as a plethora of methods to communicate. Yet, none of these ways create a connection with Our Father. Am I also “addicted” to communicating with Him, the One who not only listens, but who offers solutions for all things in my life? Could “going to pray” mean that I try from time to time to isolate and insulate myself from all the other sounds and influences around me to focus my thoughts and feelings to God and express my praise and thanks to Him, to search for His advice, to find His strength, to know His comfort and peace? This could be done at anytime and any place, no electric outlet or charger is necessary, only the solitude of my thoughts directed toward the Lord.