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"Women in the Bible: Examples of Pastoral Care" Part 1 of 3 from the Winter 2016 Vision Newsletter

Pastoral care begins for all with our own families. How can we expect to care well for people when we leave behind those who God has given us to care for within our own households?

Lois was a devout Jewess who took care of her household and brought up her daughter and her grandson in faith by teaching them from the Old Testament Scriptures. We learn this from Paul’s second letter to Timothy: “when I call to remembrance that genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:5). Timothy became Paul’s “son in the faith.” He had been prepared for his work by his grandmother who wasn’t afraid to share with her family what she believed.

We cannot be afraid today to speak about our faith in Jesus Christ with our families. We must tell them why Jesus is the hero of our life and one must take the time to share God’s Word with them by reading the Bible on a regular basis. The foundation for a strong faith begins with the work of faithful women who seek to build up those closest to them with the truth and knowledge of Jesus.