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Introduction Letter from the Summer 2017 Vision Newsletter

As we move forward in this year, we want to continue exploring our theme - Glory be to God, our Father. Recall that as we become more aware of God’s perfection, love, and peace, we are humbled and become more and more thankful. The psalmist had a wonderful expression as he realized these things in Psalm 16:2: You are my Lord, my goodness is nothing apart from You (NKJV). Another translation expresses it this way: You are the Lord, my only source of well-being (BET).

Such movements in our soul motivate us to change our behavior in a way that glorifies God. Our worship of Him is one behavior that brings God glory. Worship can be expressed in a multitude of ways. One form of worship is giving.

In giving, we acknowledge that everything we have comes from Him, the Creator of all. And from this little we have, we want to give something, albeit meager, back to our Father so that it can be used for His purposes. Such giving helps advance and maintain the church as a place where people can see and experience the glory of God through His word, His sacraments, and our communal expression of worship to Him. Thus, giving is not simply a kind gesture to our neighbor or someone in need, nor a nice offering. Giving is rooted in the culture of those that love and worship God; those to whom He has given His life in the gift of the Holy Spirit.

As we continue to step forward, ponder these ideas and discover with us the deeper aspects of giving, specifically as a form of worship, to God, our Father.