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"Moments of Worship" from the Summer 2017 Vision Newsletter

During the year, we have many opportunities to worship together as a congregation around different holidays. Each moment of worship is special because it allows us to express to God what He really means to us. When we worship as a congregation, we not only grow closer to God, but closer to each other.

As we enter the second half of the year, where worship evenings for Thanksgiving or Christmas will be planned, we thought it might be helpful to expound on some ideas for worship that may fit with your congregation.

Most of us are familiar with the days of Christmas programs. These programs were a way to heighten the celebration of Christmas in the congregation, especially for the children. Over the years, the Christmas program seemed to evolve into more of a performance than a time of worship, with children memorizing poems, singing songs, and doing skits with costumes and scripts. The same things can still be done, but with a focus on worship, instead of performance. District Apostle Kolb encourages that the Christmas program is renewed in congregations, so that it is a moment of heightened worship where we share with God our joy and gratitude in sending His Son to earth. This is a time for us to focus our attention on the love of God that is expressed in the Christmas story and express to Him through Bible readings, songs, music, and spoken word what has been given for us.

You may also consider another idea for Christmas. This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, and while there will not be a divine service on Christmas Eve (only on Christmas Day), it could be possible to use this as a time to come together and worship. One idea to consider could be a Christmas Eve worship evening held in the evening with expanded worship pointing to the calm and stillness of night, and the anticipation of what is to come. The Christmas Day morning service would be filled with carols that express our joy at the glory of God, coming to earth as a child. We should strive to make each service in the Advent and Christmas seasons unique expressions to God of our thanksgiving and worship.

Other ideas for holiday worship throughout the year might include involving the local community in some way, caroling around the town, candlelight vigils, or a night of prayers focused on thanks and praise to God. Some of these ideas can also start in the Thanksgiving season, with a worship evening focused on thanksgiving and the Creation, or decorations in the church that inspire our congregation to share their thankfulness with each other.

No matter what holiday it is, we can always find ways to worship together as a congregation. In our worship, families are brought together, generations are brought together, community and church are brought together. Worship contributes to our holy responsibility to invest in our relationship with God and with those around us. Let our times of celebration, especially around holidays, also be times of worship.