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Introduction Letter from the Autumn 2017 Vision Newsletter

In our efforts to learn behaviors that glorify God, we discussed in recent Vision Newsletters a study done by our work group on the topic of giving. The resulting reference paper was introduced at our National Synod, and will be disseminated to all our members using several themes to highlight various aspects of this topic. The first in the series is Giving is Love.

When we think about both giving and love, we must turn to the almighty God. He is the giver of all perfect and good gifts [ref: James 1:17], and He, alone, is the genesis and essence of love. Anything to do with love must find its source in Him.

In His love, He gave life to Adam and Eve. He gave them, and us, the creation to care for [ref: Genesis 1:29]. In the creation, we find a sustaining power also born out of His love that continually renews life until this day. There is also an evolving power that permits the creation to adapt to time and the changing environment, even under the burden of a polluting, sinful humankind.

However, the greatest gift God gave was His incarnation in Jesus Christ, who in turn also gave. Foremost, He suffered and gave His life for our salvation. He gave us the gospel to learn the ways of His kingdom, the church as the assembly of believers, and the apostolate to testify of Him. These gifts also have sustaining and evolving characteristics. Further, He gave His words, which are the bread of life for us, and the water of baptism, which brings us into a special closeness with God.

In pondering the love and giving nature of our God, let us allow His love, which has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, to overtake us so we also may, in turn, be givers in love.