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"And they continued..." from the Spring 2018 Vision Newsletter

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42

Pentecost is a feast that has its roots in the Jewish feast of thanksgiving. Later, it was recognized as the day that marked the renewal of the covenant between God and the Israelites, and the day to commemorate when Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

After Christ’s Ascension, Pentecost was known as the day God’s promises were fulfilled: His Church was established; the Holy Spirit – the Helper – dwelt within each one of the believers, providing them with what they would need to fulfill their calling; and the apostle ministry was equipped to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ among all nations and point the congregation towards His return.

When the Holy Spirit filled Jesus’ disciples on Pentecost, they were able to speak in other tongues (Acts 2:4). With this gift, they did not talk about themselves or their own thoughts and emotions. Instead, they did what the Spirit inspired them to do – they praised the Lord’s greatness and spoke of His deeds of salvation. They were moved to profess the Lord. Their profession in many tongues allowed all the people gathered to hear the Lord being praised in their own language, which had not happened before. This experience at Pentecost was more than a miracle of tongues; it was also a miracle of listening.

Peter then gave a sermon to the Jewish people gathered from the many nations about the sending of God’s Spirit and what that meant for the people. After Peter’s call to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, about 3,000 people were baptized and became part of the first church. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:46-47).

The disciples continued… The book of Acts is just one testimony of how the disciples continued in their work for the Lord with the Holy Spirit as their Guide and Helper. We are also called to do the same. The Holy Spirit that filled the disciples of Jesus’ time is also within us. Let us be moved to profess Christ in our actions and words. Let us be a sign that the Spirit is working within us and not talk about ourselves in times of fellowship, but rather, share Christ with each other and lift Him up. Let us use our schooling, our work, our leisure time as opportunities to glorify God and serve others. When we do these things, our lives become a testimony of how we continued in our work for the Lord.

As believers today, Pentecost is still a time of celebration. We celebrate that the church of Christ is active and that we are part of it. We celebrate that the gift of the Holy Spirit dwells and works within us. We celebrate that the apostle ministry is still active in dispensing the sacrament of Holy Sealing through the laying on of hands. We can celebrate these things together, giving thanks and glorifying God as His people.

Pentecost 2018 is an opportunity for us, as people of different cultures and backgrounds, to come together for one weekend and celebrate the fulfillment of God’s promises, the ones that were fulfilled many years ago, and the ones He will fulfill in the future.

In the NAC USA district, we can gather to celebrate Pentecost in a divine service with our Chief Apostle. We can experience Holy Communion together and Communion for the departed. During this weekend, you’ll find old friends and new friends, and experience together different activities that will help equip you in your personal calling in the Body of Christ. Let this weekend be an opportunity to worship God, glorify Him, and engage in fellowship, sharing our lives with one another to become one heart and one soul.

Join us for this 2018 Pentecost weekend to rekindle the gift of the Spirit in us, to deepen our passion and joy in the work of God, and to continue our work according to His will.