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"Family Dinner Conversation" from the Autumn 2018 Vision Newsletter

With the holidays approaching, there may be some new opportunities to connect with family and friends. Sometimes parents and families want to have more conversation, particularly around the dinner table, but perhaps they just don’t know where to start. Here are some potential conversation starters to consider this holiday season.


If you were to switch roles with me for a day and I had to attend your school, how do you think I would do?

If you were to switch roles with me for a day and you had to do what I do all day, how do you think you would do?

If you were going to plan our next family trip or vacation, where would we go and what would we do?

What is one chore you enjoy doing around the house? Why?

What is your favorite family memory/memories?


What is one thing God has taught you or shown you lately?

What is one verse that you have read or heard that has really been your favorite?

What is your favorite praise and worship song or Christian song lately? Why is it your favorite?

If you could be a Bible character who would you be?

What is one question you have had about Christianity or God lately that we as a family could study and find out more about?

Of all the miracles that Jesus did, which one would you have wanted to be there for and why?