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District Apostle Kolb's introduction letter from the Spring 2019 Vision Newsletter

Though we have left the season of Passiontide and Holy Week, please reflect on this letter as you consider Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection, and celebrate the season of Eastertide.

Dear brothers and sisters,

We have entered into the season of Passiontide, the 40 days leading up to the Passion of Jesus Christ. It is a time acknowledged by most Christian churches for reflection, meditation, fasting, and prayer. Let’s look at these four ways to experience this unique and interesting season.

Reflection – This is taking time to think and consider the incarnation and life of Jesus, and the wonder of God’s plan to deliver us and have open access to eternal fellowship with Him. Perhaps some additional reading of the Gospels would enlighten and deepen our understandings of God’s plan for mankind, and for you and me.

Meditation – Once we have looked deeper into the story of Christ, this discipline is where we purposefully and intentionally set aside time to ponder what we have learned and comprehended. As the hymn writer, Elizabeth Clephane, expressed in “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”: Upon that cross of Jesus, mine eye at times can see the very dying form of One who suffered there for me; and from my smitten heart with tears two wonders I confess – the wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness.

Fasting – This discipline is the voluntary “giving up” of or abstaining from something in order to “liberate” oneself from that which is mundane, in deference for something greater or of more importance. It can be healing and regenerative, and also lead to a deeper sense of repentance.

Prayer – We must always return to this beautiful gift of communication with our God and Father. Truly, it is not only meant to express our wishes and concerns, but moreover, it is a spiritual dialogue wherein we can perceive the thoughts of Him who loves us. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). Perhaps if our prayers contain more praise and wonderment of God’s works and our thankfulness, we can have a deeper sense of being in dialogue with Him.

And so, dear ones, as we draw nearer to the holy days of Passion week, may we also move inwardly toward a deeper, more profound and holy celebration of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection; it is the foundation of all that we believe.

With love,

LR Kolb