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"Rich as a disciple of Christ" from the Spring 2019 Vision Newsletter

Once again, the motto for the year will prove to be an abundant resource of spiritual thought and consideration. Already in the opening-of-the-year divine service, we learned of the wealth of God, the Father, Jesus Christ, the facilitator of this wealth, and the teaching activity of the Holy Spirit on how we can obtain it. We received a clear outline, that to receive the riches of God one must:

Believe in Jesus Christ and then, in humbleness,

  • Follow His word and teachings,
  • Use our gifts to serve,
  • Give up what is not necessary for the kingdom,
  • Bring our offerings in gratitude and trust, and
  • Accept those whom He has sent.

Now let us merge this together with what the Chief Apostle’s opening statement was in an interview about our church strategy:

We want to make people disciples of Christ!

The above actions also exactly align with the pathway to become a disciple of Christ. Thus, by striving to become a disciple of Christ, one can also avail themselves of His wealth.

But the story continues. As His disciples, we enjoy a certain lifestyle that is a rich benefit of the wealth that Christ shares with us. In this lifestyle, we see the characteristics of a true disciple of Christ. He or she:

  • More deeply knows and understands God and His ways.
  • Is confident they are loved by Christ, inspiring their courage.
  • Recognizes the greatest advocate they have in Christ, as He was willing to take upon Himself the punishment from their sin and guilt.
  • Enjoys contentment and serenity, whether naturally rich or poor.
  • Appreciates their rebirth out of water and Spirit as a pledge of their inheritance.
  • Delights in the support of those who surround them in the congregation.
  • Is sure of the guarantee that they will be given everything they need to obtain the goal of faith.

Equipped in such a way, true disciples of Christ prove their discipleship by living according to the impulses they have learned from their example, Jesus, and as they were taught by the Holy Spirit. They have a necessary urge to share the riches they have received, just as Christ did, with their contemporaries and neighbors – doing good works, forgiving those who have caused them pain and sorrow, helping the needy, and sharing the ever-relevant gospel of Jesus. This they do because as disciples, they are confident that in giving out the riches of Christ, they will never become poorer, but only experience His joy and fulfillment in their lives and in the life to come.