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"Your Kingdom Come" from the Autumn 2019 Vision Newsletter

From June 20 to 23, 2019, Chief Apostle Schneider visited the countries of the Dominican Republic and Haiti in the Caribbean. Following is an excerpt from the divine service he held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

In Luke 11, Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray using the Lord’s Prayer. First, they began with, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.” Begin in worship, and adore God, and once you’ve done that, you can come with your first plea. And the very first one is, “Your kingdom come.” So, Jesus wanted the disciples to know that should be your first demand, your first wish, your priority. “Your kingdom come.” And dear brothers and sisters, when we come together and we pray the Lord’s Prayer, that’s also our first wish, our first plea: “Please, Your kingdom come.” That means something. Doing so, we express our priority and we confess our faith.

Our first prayer – “Your kingdom come.” That means we are aware that the Son of God came to earth to establish His kingdom. In His kingdom, there’s no place for evil. Jesus Christ overcame sin and the devil to establish His kingdom. He wants to save man, to deliver them from domination, from the power of the evil one. He wants to lead them into the kingdom of God where they can enjoy eternal life, eternal fellowship with God, with no more influence and damage caused by the evil one. That is why the Son of God came to earth. That is the work of salvation done by Jesus Christ. He didn’t come to do miracles. He didn’t come to solve all the problems on earth. He wanted to help man and to save them, leading them into His kingdom. That is salvation, and the whole meaning and purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And when we pray, “Your kingdom come,” we acknowledge that Jesus came to earth to save men, to lead them into the kingdom of God because that is the will of God.

So, praying, “Your kingdom come,” is a confession of our faith. Jesus wants to save us, not to heal us, not to make us rich. He wants to lead us into His kingdom. We are waiting for the return of the Lord. And those who are prepared for His return will enter His kingdom, and they will live in fellowship with God. That is why we follow Jesus Christ, and that is what we express when we pray, “Your kingdom come.” We long to enter His kingdom. That is the purpose and the goal of our life, and why we remain faithful. We do not follow Christ to become better people. We follow Christ and remain faithful because we are longing to enter the kingdom of God. We are waiting for His return, and we prepare ourselves for this time.