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"Let us trust in God" - Editorial Letter from Community 2020 Edition 3

In distressing situations that leave us with problems that seem almost impossible to resolve we call for a strong God. “Lord, help!” is how prayers are formulated in such uncertain times.

There is a very fitting Bible text that I am thinking of: “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace,” it says in Exodus 14: 14. At the time, there was talk of the detour which the Israelites were to take through the wilderness: ahead of them were almost insurmountable obstacles, behind them was the Egyptian army deployed by an angry Pharaoh. The people panicked and cried out to God. Moses told them: “Trust in God! Hold your peace. If He is on our side nothing will happen to us.” In the story we learn that God intervened in an unexpected and very effective way to save His people.

Sometimes we too might be confronted with difficult situations. Then the Holy Spirit tells us not to panic or maybe even blame God for our misery. Instead, He reminds us that God will deliver us soon and redeem us in an unprecedented way by sending His Son in order to take us unto Himself. Together with His Apostles Jesus will make sure that His bride is being prepared and is ready for His return. Let us therefore remain calm, trust in God, and prepare for the great moment of our rapture by praying for it.

Often we also experience good times in which everything is fine. Let us then come before God and praise and worship Him, for we know that all the good is an expression of His grace. We enjoy the happiness that God grants us. And while we enjoy the good moments in our life, let us not forget to prepare and pray for the return of Christ and always remember that God wants to give us something that is even far more beautiful: eternal fellowship with Him!