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"Ideas for creating your own Season of Thanksgiving" from the 2020 Autumn Vision Newsletter


Following are some ideas to create a seaon of Thanksgiving in your family, congregation, and community. These ideas can also continue beyond the celebration of Thanksgiving and into the Advent season.

In your family:

  • Create a “thanksgiving tree” and write down what you are thankful for
  • Leave one another notes of gratitude and appreciation
  • Go for a walk in God’s creation and decorate your house with the things you find
  • Pray together as a family at least once a day and devote the majority of your prayer to thanking and praising God for who He is
  • Learn a new song with your family that expresses thoughts of gratitude and thankfulness to God
  • Find song lyrics and Bible verses that reflect gratitude or worship and include them in your seasonal decorations, or write them on pieces of paper and read one at each meal and discuss

In your congregation:

  • Discuss gratitude and thanksgiving in your small group and find ways to let each member of your group know why you are thankful for them
  • As a small group, find a member who is having a difficult time and love on them (send cards, make phone calls, drop off meals or necessities)
  • Plan a congregational worship evening (on Zoom!), even just a short one where you can all sing and read from the Bible together
  • Decorate the altar together, or have every family bring a “basket of gratitude”
  • Create a display or decoration where members can write notes of gratitude, thanking God for one another

In your community:

  • Participate in a food drive for a local food bank or city mission
  • Find opportunities to volunteer with congregational members or your family at a local charity or community organization
  • Practice small acts of kindness throughout October and November – bring cookies or dinner to a neighbor, cut their lawn, or rake leaves
  • Plan a neighborhood donut and cider gathering on your street