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Hello Parents,

We don’t know about you, but we love giving our kids special gifts and being able to say “yes” to fun things. Part of what we look forward to as parents is being able to say “yes” to all the things we didn’t get to have or do when we were growing up.

The reality is, now that we are parents, we have learned one of the most powerful words in the parent vocabulary- “No!”. It is what this month’s online parenting class is about.

While this might be a hard one for us to watch and apply, it is important to understand the when and why of the parental “no”. Please take the time to watch and consider the four places you might need to start saying the word “no” more with your children and around your home.

Consider that just like our Heavenly Father, who does say “no” or “wait” to our requests, sometimes we also must learn to say “no.” This enables us to say “yes” to better things for our children. We will be in prayer for you this month as you leverage the power of “no’s” in your home and family life.


Please check out this month's video below:


Partnering with you, 

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team




“I said, ‘No!’”… how often have you said that in the last week or maybe two? Do you say “no” to your children? Some people may tell you that you shouldn’t ever tell your kids “no”. This month’s Online Parenting Class actually teaches you four potential places and times that the word “no” might be a good thing around your home.

Parents have almost become addicted to always saying “yes”. The constant habit of saying “yes” in the end has left many parents and families in a state of frustration. Even more, as children get use to always being told “yes” to everything, when the time comes in life to hear a “no,” they will not know how to handle it.

Here are four challenging questions to go along with the four places you might need to start saying “no” to more:

  1. What is one thing on your personal or family calendar in the next month that will rob your family of time together?
  2. What is one activity or habit around your home that honestly holds no real spiritual or emotional value for your family?
  3. What is something that has the potential of being unhealthy for your child/children- spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically- that you might need to consider saying “no” to?
  4. Are your children spoiled? Be real with yourself and each other; step back and look at the things your child/children have been asking for or want. Do they really need that thing? Have you ever talked as a family about the difference between a “need” and a “want”?

As always, our heart is to help you improve your home life and empower you as parents to live as Godly parents. 

Trusting Him together with you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team