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Dear families,

This special edition article includes some information as a result of this unprecedented situation due to the Coronavirus.

As families are asked to stay at home, the shift in structure or schedule may bring anxiety or worry to your children. Our young children may not fully understand what is transpiring around us, and our teenagers may now be spending more time with their families than with their friends. As the news unfolds hourly, we, as adults, need to find the balance between carrying the load for our children while maintaining a healthy relationship with them.

So as you navigate these unchartered waters, we want to offer you a few parenting resources to help inspire conversation and activities as well as some tip sheets on how to help your young children or teenagers process fear in this uncertain time. You can access these tools by clicking one of the links below:

pdf 52 Conversation Starters (42 KB)

pdf 24 Parenting Tips and Activities (475 KB)

pdf Dealing With Fears - Parent Cheat Sheet - Children's Edition (370 KB)

pdf Dealing With Fears - Parent Cheat Sheet - Youth Edition (243 KB)



Continuing to pray for you and your families,


The NAC USA Family Ministry Team