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Hello Parents,

Happy Father’s Day month.

We just wanted to say, right off the top, thank you dads! Those of you who are receiving this and are a dad to one of our wonderful kids, thank you. Whether you are a grandfather, stepfather, or even an uncle, you are a ‘dad’ in God’s eyes. The spiritual role that you play is so important to the boys and girls of our church. In honor of you, this month’s Partnering with Parents is for you.

Last month’s virtual encouragement was for Mothers, specifically to their relationship with their son. This month, we are flipping the script and talking about dads connecting to the heart of their daughter!

This is such a huge thing in our current culture and the climate of our society. The conversation in the news and media is all around the idea of women being valued and not demeaned. Whether you are watching this video as a dad or a mom, these quick hints are HUGE for the young girls of our group. Please take the time to watch and think through these and other ways to connect to your daughter’s heart.

We want our young girls that are growing into women to know and understand a healthy relationship with the men in their life. It starts through their relationship with their dad or a Godly man in their life.

Moms: We know that not every girl in our group has a dad in her life, so let us know how we can come alongside them (and you as parents). We are always seeking ways to build into them Godly self-image and set them up to be the women God has set them up to be! Let us know how we can encourage your daughter and your family!

Please check out this month's video below:


Partnering with you, 

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team



Greetings, Moms and Dads!

Mother’s Day was last month, and now this month is Father’s Day! Let’s celebrate the wonderful men in our lives! I hope you are planning on doing something special for the dads in your life, and dads, I hope your family is planning somethings great for you! Fingers crossed for a great new tie!!?

Last month, we shared a great monthly Partnering with Parents with you about Moms connecting to their sons. This month, since it is Father’s Day month, we are sharing some quick helpful words about dads connecting with their daughters!

There is such great, simple, but powerful wisdom in the steps that were shared. Let me add a little bit extra to keep the challenge going. Think through each suggestion using these questions:

Take them out on simple and fun dates and adventures. 

-Where would your daughter want to go on a “date” if she could choose?

-Where was your first date? Would you be willing to share that with your daughter?

Have intentional conversations every day. (It’s ok to leverage tech!)

-When was the last time you sat down with your daughter, just the two of you, and had an intentional heart to heart talk?

Let them know you love them and they are beautiful as much as possible!

-When was the last time your intentionally told your daughter you loved her and she was beautiful?

Listen to them when they are hurting.

-What is hurting your daughter’s heart right now?

-When was the last time she cried about something that was not a physical hurt?

Dads (and moms), these years are so important for your young daughter. Please take and make the time to spend with them, getting to know their heart.

Continuing to pray for you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team