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Hello Parents,

This is the digital age and the age of rapid technological advancement. We can’t run from it, so we have to make sure we understand it, are in tune to it, and most importantly, in control of it—rather than letting it control us or our kids.

This month's "Partnering with Parents" video helps you come to grips with how much screen time your child should be experiencing. After you watch the video, I urge you to get in touch with me regarding any comments or questions you have.

Let’s work together to make sure technology works for the good of your family’s spiritual growth instead of against it.

Please check out this month's video below:




Partnering with you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team



Hello Parents and Families:

Hopefully by now you’ve watched the video that goes with this lesson on addressing screen time and your child. If you have, you know it was filled with practical and relevant information on how to make digital technology a positive for your child rather than a negative.

We can’t deny the benefits of technology or the fact that our kids are going to be surrounded by it for the rest of their lives. That’s why it is important to teach them how to manage their screen time properly now and how to be discerning about their digital media. 

  • Block site access to anything that might be dangerous. Even seemingly harmless searches can put you and your child in places you don’t need to be.
  • Set time limits on your child’s devices. When the allotted amount of time has been spent on the device, it times out.
  • Download apps that enhance your child's spiritual growth; apps like the free interactive Bible.
  • If your child is younger, play educational games online with them.
  • If your child is younger, don’t allow them to be online without you being present.
  • Don’t let your child rely too heavily on technology. Teach them to play board games, play outside by themselves and with other kids, and find artistic expressions, like painting or drawing.
  • LIMIT their time in front of a screen of any kind. Not only is too much screen time bad for their eyes, but it hinders the development of their social skills, confidence among their peers, and their ability to process situations in any number of social and public settings.
  • If your child has an Apple device, with iOS 12 or newere, download pdf THIS DOCUMENT (481 KB) for information and instructions about Apple's built-in safety and restrictions feature called Screen Time

God didn’t create this beautiful world and the people in it so we can shut it all out for the sake of animation and lightening-speed processing.

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” ~Psalm 8:3-4.

Serving God together,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team