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Dear families,

Teens all get a bad rap with it comes to empathy. They often struggle to understand the needs and emotions of the people around them because of the emotional storm within themselves!

This month, we talk about how to raise empathetic teens; teens that are not just consumed with the emotions of the moment but care about the feelings of people around them. We believe that you can play a huge role in this process!

We are including a coaching video for you with some practical tips! 

Please check out this month's video below:



Partnering with you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team



Hello Parents and Families,

Empathy. May not be a skill that many teens have!

This month we are talking about how we can raise empathetic teens. If you missed the coaching video, or you would like a brief refresher, go ahead and watch this month's video now.

One of our ideas from the coaching video is to serve together. When you help others with your teen, you force them to practice empathy. When teens serve, they have to think about who and why they are serving.

Here are a few simple ideas for helping others as a family.

  • Volunteer on the weekend for a Habitat for Humanity project.
  • Serve a meal each month at a local soup kitchen.
  • Sign up as a family to serve together in the kids’ ministry at your church.
  • Find someone in need within your neighborhood (maybe yardwork?).
  • Cook a meal for another family.

Look around, find a place to serve, and give your teen a chance to practice empathy within your family, congregation, and/or community!

As always, we are here for you and your family. 


Praying for you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team