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Hello Amazing Parents!

Yes, that is you! You are amazing! You may not hear it enough or feel like it enough either. If you are seeking to raise Godly kids in this crazy world, you are an amazing parent!

It is not an easy task, and you may feel like some days you are failing, but God is with you, and we are too. We always want to give you some love, help, and continued prayer!

This month our short Partnering with Parents topic is here to help you as you raise children to be spiritually aware and growing in faith. We hope that gave you a quick boost toward continuing on, this month in your parental awesomeness.

Teaching your kids to be more spiritual aware is such an important thing. Even for ourselves as parents, we need to be constantly working to keep ourselves aware of what God is doing in and around us!

On another topic, back-to-school looks a little different this year, yes? Does your school supply list now include masks or a distance learning cheat sheet? As we face this global pandemic together as a community, we want you to know your church is in full support of you– the parents.

The month of August and September in the year 2020 is no walk in the park. Whether your student attends school online, in-person, or a hybrid, we have an encouraging 3-minute read to inspire you. These quick reads give you practical, encouraging tips to help make it through the back-to-school transition.


pdf 11 Things Your Elementary School Student Needs From You  (287 KB)

pdf 11 Things Your Middle School or High School Student Needs From You (1.33 MB)


Praying that God give you patience and endurance in this transitional season,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team




Hi families,

One of the greatest opportunities you have as a parent is opening your children’s eyes to God’s presence in our world. It is a wonderful moment when your children become more spiritually aware of their world and God’s work in it.

This month’s Partnering with Parents topic is a quick encouragement about “Raising Spiritually Aware Kids.”

Here are a few reflections and questions to consider after watching this month’s video: 

  1. What are your insecurities when it comes to discussing God’s presence and personal faith with your children? 
  2. How have you seen your own personal pursuit of God changing your family life? 
  3. What is a verse that has been powerful in your journey of faith that you could share with your children? 
  4. How can you make staying engaged in your church as a family a priority this summer? 
  5. When and where will you have time together as a family during the summer months (mealtimes, long car rides…) that will give you opportunities to have spiritual conversations?

We hope that the remainder of the year provides opportunities for you and your families to become more aware of God's presence.

Partnering with you,


The NAC USA Family Ministry Team