There is no translation available.

This month's topics include:

Lent Resources                                                                                                                                                                                    

The Faith Arc Learning Circle - A Summary

Road to Confirmation Reminder

NAC USA Safety Protocol

Pan American Youth Summit



Lent Resources

Explore the Lent resources HERE for a meaningful journey with your family or as valuable tools to use with children and youth this Lenten season. These resources aim to genuinely aid in preparing our hearts for Passion Week and Easter Sunday.


The Faith Arc Learning Circle - Quarter 1 Summary

Thank you to everyone who participated in our very first session of the Faith Arc Learning Circle.  We had a productive evening and are making plans for Quarter 2’s session.  Below you will find a link to a summary of the first session of the Faith Arc Learning Circle.  Registration for Quarter 2’s session will be made available in the April “Take 5” message to children and youth teachers and leaders and in the monthly email to ministers.  We’re excited to be able to offer this collaborative learning, problem-solving, and celebration platform to those who work with children and youth.

Quarter 1 Faith Arc Learning Circle Summary


Road to Confirmation Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that materials for Confirmation Day (Chief Apostle’s Confirmation letter, a Certificate of Confirmation, and a gift) need to be ordered by March 1, to ensure a timely delivery.  The link to the order form is below for your convenience.  We join you in anticipation for this very special day for our confirmands, their families, and your congregations.



NAC USA Safety Protocols

Important Announcement: Beginning in 2024, please note that the NAC USA Safety Protocols (Background check, Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, NAC USA Policy and Procedures for working with minors) are now to be renewed annually for the safety and well-being of our Sunday School and Religious Instruction teachers, Youth Leaders, and volunteers engaging with minors on a consistent basis (4 or more times per year). Please ensure that your committee status and role in NACStat are updated by March 31, by your rector to ensure you receive the information needed to complete this task. Completion of these protocols is essential for anyone who will begin working with or will continue working with minors in 2024.  In our unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of our children, youth, and volunteers, we earnestly request your complete compliance with this vital matter. Your commitment ensures a secure environment for all.


Pan American Youth Summit - Registration is Now Closed

The registration for the Pan American Youth Summit is now closed.  Please refer to the FAQ document for any questions you may have about the event.  We wish all attendees a blessed experience.

For more information click HERE.


With love and joy,

The Faith Arc Team