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IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have changed the login process to use our membership system which is called iMIS. Your old login information to the NDI website most likely will no longer work. Click the link below to download instructions to guide you through the process to get your account setup.

Instructions to log into NDI

The PREPARE & ENRICH program is available for those that would like to participate in either evaluating their current relationship in preparation for marriage or for a married couple that would...

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27 NKJV)

Our church gives an opportunity to connect with others and ultimately draw a closer conne...

The NAC-USA’s vision is a church in which people feel at home and, inspired by the Holy Spirit and their love for God, align their lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thus prepare themselves ...