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Dear families,

Obviously, with the situation in the world today, you may have spent some additional time at home with your children. Spending extended periods of additional time, especially unexpected time, has the potential to foster some frustrating moments. This month’s Partnering with Parents topic is on Frustration. We pray that you can gain some reassurance from watching.

Parenting is hard no matter how well-behaved or easy your kids are. And there are times when you want to throw in the towel, lock yourself in the bathroom, or go to the mall or golf course and pretend you don’t even know those little stinkers exist. But it never takes long for those feelings to go away does it? Especially when you hear, “Mommy, I just love you so much.” Or “Daddy, I really enjoyed spending time with you today.”

Most of the time our frustration as parents stems from our lack of trust in ourselves—we don’t think we’re getting things right or are afraid our preschooler’s meltdown is a sign that we’re failing as parents. Not true! Preschoolers are a unique and wonderful species all their own. So relax, take a deep breath, keep on praying, and don’t forget we are praying for you too.

Partnering with you and praying that you and your family are continuing to grow in Him,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team




Hi families,

Are you having a good week, or are you experiencing one of those weeks parents of preschoolers would like to forget ever happened?

Hopefully in all the hubbub of your life you’ve taken the time to watch this lesson’s video to help with those moments of frustration.

Needing a break from your kids is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a normal emotion and one you need to act on in order to be a better parent. In other words, it’s not a matter of doing so, it’s HOW you do it that matters.

  1. Instead of saying something like “You’re driving me nuts, so go play somewhere else!” say, “Mommy needs a bit of quiet time so I need you to play in there while I stay in here.”
  2. Limit the number of noise-makers (as in toys) allowed in the house.
  3. Provide a safe, secure, and fun outdoor area for your kids to play in for a while each day. This could be your backyard or a nearby park. While they’re playing, you can read a book or visit with a friend. Don’t worry, as long as they’re dressed properly, they’ll be fine.
  4. Don’t use words or phrases like: brat, you’re driving me nuts, you’re bad, get out of here, get out of my way, I don’t care, I don’t want to hear you, and get lost.
  5. Let your children know when their behavior isn’t acceptable, but do so by saying, “What you are doing isn’t very nice, so please stop.” Or “I need you to be quiet so I don’t get upset.” Or “Inside voices are the only voices allowed inside.” Or “You need to be a better listener so we can all have a good day.”

Children need boundaries but as a parent it is your job to let them know the boundaries are as friendly as they are safe. Psalm 16:5-6 is a great passage to help you remember how to be a less-frustrated parent…
“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6

Remember…your children really are a delightful inheritance.



As a reminder, new activity sheets are added every week to the Parenting Resources section on the Tools and Resources page. Other parenting resources include conversation starters and a family worship guide. Please feel free to share any of these resources with other families. Additionally, pdf this document (614 KB) contains instructions and descriptions of items, including children's books and devotionals, that can be ordered free of charge. Buyers only have to pay for shipping. These free items are available while supplies last.


Praying for you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team