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Dear families,

When you are a parent, you give, invest, and sacrifice for your family. We are so thankful for all that you invest in the lives of your children!

This month we want to take things in a little different direction and focus on you. It’s really simple. A healthy parent will lead their wild, fun, messy, (insert whatever word you need) family toward health.

This month we want to talk about your health. How are you doing? How are you caring for your soul as a parent?

Please be sure to watch the video for the month below.

Praying for you as you ask yourself these questions!

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team




Hi families,

We usually talk about ways that you can invest in the spiritual lives of your children. This month we are flipping the script and working on you. Are you caring for your soul?

This month's video outlined some practical steps you can take to care for your soul. This is important because they will help you parent from a healthy place. 

How are you doing with soul care? We know you give and give and give all day long with your family. When is the last time you looked deeply into your soul to see how you are doing?

We heard some helpful steps to take to ensure we are caring for our souls as parents. If you are going to put any of those in motion, then you are going to have to make one first, brave step.

Calendar it, and don’t apologize for blocking off time for you to take care of your soul.

Things get very real when we sit down with our calendar, and we start blocking off time. We see that goal, and we have the chance to work toward that goal. When you calendar soul care, you always have the opportunity to say no to other opportunities because it’s on your calendar!

If we can help you process any of these ideas, please let us know. We are here to help, and we are cheering you on!


Praying for you,

The NAC USA Family Ministry Team